Tuesday, May 03, 2005

AMCB Labour Day Statement (English & Chinese)

Fight for Wage Increase and Protection of Rights

Our Demands are What Unite Us Workers!



In the face of relentless attacks to our wage, deterioration of working conditions, grave threats to our livelihood, denial of basic social services and violation of our rights, workers of Hong Kong, migrants and locals alike, are called to unite.


There is no other momentous day to do so than today, the International Labour Day. Thus we, the Asian Migrants Coordinating Body (AMCB) who has led thousands of migrant workers in our fight for wage, livelihood and rights, unite with the local workers of Hong Kong in confronting the various issues that face the working people.


Working people of Hong Kong must unite to fight for just wage for all. This is always a rightful struggle of workers because our wage is always not commensurate to the amount of work that we do and the length of working hours we are made to keep. This fight has even become more legitimate for local and migrant workers of Hong Kong for the past years. As workers, we have both suffered from drastic wage cuts and policies that make our wage and jobs insecure.


Working people of Hong Kong must unite to fight against the imposition of regressive taxes to those who are already in dire economic condition such as the levy imposed to employers of Foreign Domestic Helpers (FDHs) but practically paid for by FDHs. To tax the FDH is plainly unjust, immoral and illegal


However, to tax employers of FDH is also unjust. FDH employers are mainly not the elite people of Hong Kong but the ordinary workers and employees whose salary has already been cut. They are the parents who are both forced to work to make ends meet and thus have the need, not the luxury, to hire domestic help. They are the workers who, in the long run, shall always be burdened by the levy.


Working people of Hong Kong must unite to fight the reduction and privatization of social services in Hong Kong. Services from the government are a right of all people of any country. To reduce the services and subject them to private businesses is to make them hostages to profit and more inaccessible to the ordinary people.


Working people of Hong Kong must unite against neoliberalism and its impacts to the workers and the people. Policies of privatization, deregulation and liberalization have wrought havoc on workers of developed and developing countries. Rates of unemployment and underemployment rise up, labour flexibilization becomes rampant, and wages are depressed while the interests and profits of big multinational and transnational corporations remain protected.


This is the future that the World Trade Organization (WTO), set to meet here in December, has in store for the workers of Hong Kong. This is the future that we must resist. This is the future that we must reject and fight against together with other workers and peoples of the world.


Let us learn from those who in 1886 fought for the same issues that we are all fighting for now. Although varying in degree and magnitude, our situations, our demands and our goals for just wages, equality of treatment, protection of our rights and rejection of neoliberalism are what unite us.


As we unite on our demands, we also unite in our action. Let not any effort of the government and big businesses to divide the working people of Hong Kong succeed. For only in the unity of the working people of Hong Kong – migrants and locals – shall we find our victory.


Asia Migrant Coordinating Body (AMCB)



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